Think about where you were working years ago. If somebody told you then that you would have to set-up a home office, you probably furrowed your brows closer together and pursed your lips in response. And in your head, you’re already thinking about how this seems absurd, not impossible, but would be quite a feat. And why wouldn’t it be when years ago, remote working solutions were just whispers?
Best remote working tools
Working from home shouldn’t cause turmoil when you do it alone and you don’t need to communicate with anybody else. But unfortunately, collaboration is needed every step of the way for companies to achieve goals. You can’t come up with a monthly magazine issue when your writers, editors, and graphic designers don’t have the chance to talk to each other. It just doesn’t work this way. So how do you choose the best remote working collaboration tools?
Cloud-based Video Conferencing Solutions
Face to face meetings were impossible at the height of Covid-19. But companies pulled through, thanks to video conferencing solutions. Do not also be misled by the term video conferencing. Just because they are aptly named, it doesn’t mean that it’s all they can do. Zoom, BlueJeans, Webex, Microsoft teams, are just a few of these cloud-based video conferencing solutions that could make remote working possible.
VPN Solutions
It doesn’t matter if you’re working for a national bank, the CDC, an eCommerce store – each company has its secrets. It could be documents, bank records, employee contracts, client data – anything that could be used against your company should be secured. And if everyone is working from different parts of the country or the world, then a VPN is a must.
UC Certified Accessories
When you start working from home, you want everything to be running perfectly – from your computer to your earphones, video cameras, and anything you deem necessary. After all, your IT/AV troubleshooters aren’t a phone call away. Even your mouse should be in pristine condition as the slightest interruption can ruin your productivity (which could already be dwindling from the noise that your kids or dogs make on an hourly basis). This is where Jabra comes in. Say hello to the Speak 710, a professional portable speakerphone, the Evolve 65e, a headset that is comfortable enough to wear all day, and the PanaCast, the world’s first intelligent 180° Panoramic-4K plug-and-play video solution.
Ergonomic Set Up
Working from home or remotely means you would most likely pull out your dining chair and start hogging the whole dining table. After all, it’s the biggest table that you own that can fit all of your office paraphernalia. But Colebrook Bosson Saunders (CBS) would flip out when they see this. To reduce human discomfort while improving productivity and safety, CBS believes that when you feel better, you work better. Their remote working solutions include, but are not limited to, desk and laptop stands, LED task lights (that are also charging stations), and monitor arms.
Contact us today to get the best remote working solutions for you.