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The Workplace Under the New Normal: How COVID-19 Changed the Way We Work?

Close your eyes for a second and imagine how you’d normally go through your daily office routine. If you’ve worked long enough in the same space, everything seems ingrained in your muscle memory. From entering the main building, pushing the elevator buttons, swiping your ID to open the office door, and finally turning your office computer on. Now, try to imagine going through this again, but instead, you cannot touch anything, you need to maintain a certain distance from all the other people at work, and of course, masks on. 

Turbulent is not even enough to describe what everybody has gone through since Covid-19 hit the whole world in an abrupt frenzy. Economies have been struck the hardest and everyone needed to cope with the times. Perhaps Charles Darwin has been right all along, there would be no other way than to adapt, or we don’t get to move forward. So how do we do just that? 

Expected technologies under the new workplace

We have to erase all notions of what used to be normal. It might never happen again. Instead, workplaces that have adapted to working from home might continue to rotate shifts, a certain number of people can work back in the office on a schedule, while others who rely on mobile tools can adapt the work mantra – location is irrelevant, it’s not where you work but how. 

Not everyone can do this though. Some companies rely heavily on collaboration, as Vice President, Product Management at Synnex Corporation Sandi Stambaugh states, “When you look at all of the challenges facing the modern workforce, collaboration is at the very top.” 

There is undoubtedly a need to talk, and as such, expected technological changes in the workplace would include an area to accommodate collaborative solutions. Let’s try to dissect an example of such a collaborative space. A video conferencing room design that is equipped with a wireless presentation collaboration system will enable each individual to use their laptops or tablets without using cables and wires. This also means keeping enough distance in between. Not to mention a room booking system and occupancy sensors to know which rooms are used from a distance and to be able to reserve rooms in a flick of a finger. A perfect example would be the Crestron Zero Touch Rooms.

Another way to equip your workplace is to have an audiovisual consultant that would advise well on the conference room video conferencing equipment, which could include Zoom, BlueJeans, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco. An apt conference room design that’s modern and would cater to local laws on social distancing, and a smartboard interactive display that would centralize everything sans wires. Also of equal importance would be on-demand room cleaning, especially if the rooms are booked back-to-back. 

These are just a few of the changes that workplaces are having to undergo if they need to safeguard their employees against the onslaught of Covid-19. And perhaps, in an uncanny twist of events, this is the future. 

Get in touch with us today to start your workspace project that conforms under the new normal. 
